Cyber security awareness: learn how to handle emails safely with phishing training. Credit card on a fishing hook.

Phishing Training Service

Do you want to improve your employees' resilience to email phishing attacks? Use the phishing training service as an additional teaching method.

For more information on our Phishing Training Service, please click here.

An effective anti-phishing training where attacks take place: in your e-mail inbox.


German, English, French, Italian, other languages on request.




1-2 minutes per case. 

Customizable to the company:

Yes. Charged according to labour and time

Target group:

Suitable for all company sizes and employee segments.

Product included in Security Awareness Club:

Suitable for all company sizes and employee segments.


Security awareness campaigns for your organization

Would you like to increase security awareness in your company?
Make the start and contact us!

Portrait of Samira Arni, Lead Awareness & Communication at TreeSolution.

Samira Arni
Lead Awareness & Communication

Free consultation

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