Maximize your cyber security

Get targeted recommendations for improving your organization's IT security.

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Do you know the vulnerabilities in your cybersecurity culture?

When employee security awareness wanes, it weakens the security culture in a company or organization. The risk of a successful attack increases. Therefore, it is important to identify and address the weaknesses in security culture and employee behavior. We have developed a solution to identify weaknesses and strengthen the cyber security culture.

  • Make the most of your budget: Implement measures that strengthen your cybersecurity culture.
  • Time is money: Training should take up a minimal amount of your employees' time. Choosing the right training topics is crucial.
  • Demonstrate effectiveness: How does employee security awareness and behavior change over time?
  • Benchmarking: How does your organization compare to others?
  • Provide feedback to management: Demonstrate the effectiveness of the measures implemented, how financial resources have been used, and how the cybersecurity culture is evolving. Increase your legitimacy and secure future financial and human resources.
  • Evidence: Demonstrate how your training and measures are improving the cybersecurity culture in the organization.

Your solution for measurement and concept

Decide which measurement suits you best:

Security Awareness Radar® Online Edition

  • Customization of the questionnaire design
  • Selection and customization of questions

Security Awareness Radar® Business

  • Customization of the questionnaire design
  • Selection and customization of questions
  • Overview of key results
  • Overview of the most important recommended measures
  • Joint workshop
  • Profile result for all defined target groups

Security Awareness Radar® Enterprise

  • Customization of the questionnaire design
  • Selection and customization of questions
  • Overview of key results
  • Overview of the most important recommended measures
  • Joint workshop
  • Profile result for all defined target groups
  • Evaluations of comments
  • Detailed analysis of results
  • Concrete action plan including priorities

All Security Awareness Radar® services are provided 100% from Switzerland.

At least 60% of the Security Awareness Radar® is developed in Switzerland.

Software-based tool

How can a software-based tool help your organization?

Through our tool, you will continuously receive suggestions for improvement. It works cyclically and this way it ensures constant measurement and monitoring of the areas of awareness, behavior and culture.

The SecurityAwareness Radar® is a tailored solution for all your need. It has a proven track record with companies of all sizes and industries worldwide.

TreeSolution’s security culture management process

Your major benefits

Detailed assessment of your situation

Detailed assessment of your situation

Compare your results with benchmarks

Compare your results with benchmarks

Identification of strengths and weaknesses

Identification of strengths and weaknesses

Effective measures

Effective measures

Extensive selection of validated questions

Extensive selection of validated questions

Efficient action planning

Efficient action planning



Economical, clear and easy

Economical, clear and easy

Detaillierte Bewertung Ihrer Situation

Vergleich Ihrer Ergebnisse mit Benchmarks

Identifizierung von Stärken und Schwächen

Effektive Massnahmen

Umfangreiche Auswahl an geprüften Fragen

Effiziente Massnahmenplanung


Ökonomisch, klar und einfach

Customer feedback

Thanks to TreeSolution, we have exceeded our goals for developing an information security culture in our company.

Stefan Burau
CISO, Helsana Versicherungen AG


Security Awareness Radar® for your company

Are you ready to take security awareness to the next level in your business? The first step is easy:
Arrange a free demo now.

IT Security: Black and white portrait of Thomas Schlienger, owner of TreeSolution.

Dr. Thomas Schlienger
CEO and founder

Free consultation

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