21st June 2021

Digital transformation as an opportunity for information security

Cyber Security: Person points to a virtual mind map on the topic of IT security.

Some companies are still waiting to go digital. But the Corona crisis has shown that there are advantages for anyone who already has a digital work environment. If you don’t, you should start your digital transformation now.

The further training of employees in digital technologies and how to use them securely and sensibly is more relevant than ever.

The IUBH International University carried out its study “Future Digital Skills Report” (in German) on this topic last autumn. It surveyed employees in German companies from different departments and specialist levels.

The study showed, among other things, that the biggest wish was for further professional development in the use of computers. IT security and data protection were in 11th place out of 30.

When doing training on computer use and IT security and data protection, information security should be included at the same time. Don't limit training for your employees to the basics of using computers. Point out the associated risks and corresponding secure behavior as well. As a result, digital transformation will be an opportunity for employees to learn and apply information security and to give them the skills and confidence right from the start to deal with and use the new technology.

We can help you in finding or supplementing suitable further training opportunities so that your digitalization continues to progress. Contact us by email or click here to make an appointment with our consulting team!

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