20th February 2020

Thomas Schlienger to speak at Take Aware 2020

Security Awareness Conference Take Aware 2020: Guest speaker Thomas Schlienger in portrait.

Take Aware 2020 conference in Stuttgart from the 17th to 18th of March 2020

The Take Aware 2020 is aimed at security experts who are active in the field of security awareness or who would like to continue their education in it. At this year's conference on 17th to 18th of March 2020, Dr. Thomas Schlienger will be a guest. He will speak about security awareness and its qualitative and quantitative measurability.

Would you like to know how you can assess your security awareness measures and check their effectiveness? Are you looking for a suitable provider for this? Then this workshop is for you.

Find out about

  • the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative measurement methods
  • how to combine qualitative and quantitative measurements
  • how sustainable such measurements are and how they can be compared.

After the workshop there will be time for a personal discussion with Dr. Schlienger.

Registration and information about the event can be found on the Take Aware 2020 website.

We look forward to welcoming you in Stuttgart!

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